[Oprindeligt publiceret af Veterancentret]

A common Nordic Veteran conference was conducted in Denmark the 28th -  29th of April 2014. This year the focus was on issues related to the professionals working with veterans -  that is social workers, psychologists, supervisors within the field of job and education, as well as professionals working with rehabilitation.

Political will
The conference was opened by the Danish Minister of Defence, Nicolai Wammen, emphasizing the political will behind our efforts to support veterans and their relatives before, during and after deployment -  a task transcending national borders when looking for solutions.

Network and knowledge
The main themes and subjects of the conference focused on current and new interventions and research projects, the importance of leadership and how to
recognize and acknowledge veterans in a Nordic and Baltic context. The conference presentations were very informative and inspirational and provided a good context for knowledge sharing and networking between delegates from the different participating countries.

In addition to the presentations the conference also included group work and
discussions on the concept of recognition -  what it is and how do we best recognize and acknowledge veterans and their families for the efforts. A theme that will be the focal point of the next NORDEFCO conference, which takes place in Sweden in 2016.

NORDEFCO it is a Nordic Defence Cooperation and includes all of the Nordic countries. The purpose of this forum is an enhanced cooperation through knowledge-sharing and networking with the aim of strengthening the participating nations’ national defence, exploring common synergies, and facilitating efficient common solutions on a number of different defence-related areas, hereunder veteran issues.

What is unique for the NORDEFCO working group on veteran issues is that the cooperation on this field, besides the Nordic nations, entails the Baltic nations as well.